copy the downloaded folder to your ableton live's midi remote scripts folder. located in C:\ProgramData\Ableton\Live 9 Suite\Resources\MIDI Remote Scripts under windows or\Live x.x\\Contents\App-Resources\MIDI Remote Scripts\ for mac osx.

launch ableton live and go to preferences. under midi sync tab select the script in the control surface drop down list and set the correct input and output MIDI ports.

the clip launcher script creates a 4x4 red box in ableton, auto mapping the first page buttons to the 16 clips inside the red box, from there you can launch and stop them just like with a launchpad. the second page gives you access to track controls like, mute, solo, arm record and track select. and on the third page you have the move buttons for the red box grid

(1) currently playing clip, (2) stopped clips, (3) triggered to play clip, (4) recording clip

(1) track mute, (2) track solo or cue, (3) arm record, (4) selected track

(1) move left, (2) move down, (3) move right, (4) move up

the script currently runs on midi channel 9. to change the channel simply open and edit the file

download (4 kb)


update for firmware 1.8

implemented scrolling with the encoders on page 1. enable ableton encoders mode first.

download (8 kb)

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